Report Piracy


Report Piracy

Fill out the form below to report anyone you suspect of showing events illegally. Protect your investment as piracy affects your bottom line! Please provide as many details as you can to help our investigation.  All reports are anonymous.


    Suspected Location*

    Street Address*



    Details* (Which event or sport do you believe is being pirated?)





    About Premium Sports

    We are Canada’s experts on live sports programming for commercial establishments. We hold the rights to and are the exclusive sales agents for the best sporting events and leagues in the world including: UFC® , NFL Sunday Ticket, NHL Centre Ice, Super Sports Pak, fuboTV, DAZN, and more!

    We also have extensive experience in fighting signal piracy. We understand that our customers invest a lot in our products and we work hard to protect your rights by prosecuting pirates to the full extent of the law.